
Boys' White Shoes


Whether it’s a vintage style or fresh silhouette, help your young athlete refresh his look with adidas boys’ white shoes. Explore sneakers with game-changing tech and clean colorways by the 3-Stripes.

boys white shoes

Have your child turn heads when they step outside in striking white shoes. Emphatic fashion statements that can be gameed with any outfit, these sneakers are a smashing hit. Models fitted with OrthoLite® sockliners provide a dry environment for feet to stay healthy. The padded foam also wicks sweat up as it's produced and inhibits bacteria growth. Stinky shoes are a thing of the past thanks to the OrthoLite® insoles, while EVA midsoles absorb shock through every stride. The lightweight compression protects the midfoot and gives kids the ability to stay light on their feet all day long.

A taste of the past

Youngsters wearing adidas sneakers bring a slice of history to their contemporary look. These boys White Shoes have drawn inspiration from all corners of sports fashion such as heritage tennis sneakers and retro runners. Introducing modern interpretations and industry-leading materials, these products are truly eye-catching. White was once seen as a flashy clothing choice but it has evolved to become the staple shade of many stylish outfits. Unique designs exhibit the renowned adidas style, with white color details emphasising a striking look.

A shoe for every young man

With sizes ranging from 0K to 6.5, boys White Shoes are available for every kid. Models are constructed with regular fits to ensure practicality, while sneakers are made for a wide range of uses. Whether they’re going to be used for running, basketball, soccer or everyday wear, there’s the perfect shoe waiting for your youngster. sneakers come with a range of features that shake up the status quo, including reflective and lightweight fabrics. Grippy soles deliver fantastic traction with the ground and minimise the risk of trips and falls. Children love the soft, forgiving feel of the shoes too, and it’ll be hard to convince them to wear anything else. Strap up or lace up, and send them off prepared to discover the world.